He Demands Proof

Buyer Beware?

My guy friend, who also partakes in some online dating, tells me to use full body shots for my profile. He quips "...men don't trust head shots". They believe that women are disguising a weight issue by cropping the fat off from the neck down, leaving a cute little face for bait.

Thinking this is totally absurd and not having any good body shots, I ignore this concept. Besides, a guy is already talking to me. We email back and forth asking random questions for about 15 emails each in one evening. It was fun. He agrees to a drink. We initiate the date planning process, when he abruptly asks for some more photos.

Really? Fucker.


  1. Loving all these posts. You're an EXCELLENT WRITER! You are making all of us singles feeeeel normal. Thank you for the laughter, for being honest(vulnerable) and thanks for the "check your phone to end the date" gift!
    ;-) Keep 'em comin'!

  2. Thanks, Kim. Not sure if it's helpful; but, at least the ladies out there can learn the "rules" and be forewarned of the disappointments. Hopefully it takes the sting out. ha!
